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Cara Menemukan Minat dan Mengasah Bakat Pada Diri Sendiri

Oleh Kharisma Intania Banyak yang masih bingung dengan bakat dan kemampuan yang dimiliki, bakat dan kemampuan setiap orang pasti berbeda-beda. Nah, tugas kita adalah menemukan bakat dan kemampuan yang kita miliki. Bakat adalah keahlian atau kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh seseorang yang berasal dari keturunan ataupun berasal dari lahir. Bakat sendiri dipercaya sebagai hal yang paling disenangi oleh manusia karena bisa membantu manusia. Bakat erat hubungannya dengan pekerjan yang nantinya akan kita kerjakan, misalnya anda memiliki bakat bermain sepakbola, maka anda bisa menekuni sepak bola sebagai pekerjaan. Pun juga jika anda berbakat sebagai pelukis, anda bisa menjadi pelukis atau berprofesi sebagai designer. Kita sering bertanya kepada diri sendiri, apa sebenarnya bakat yang kita miliki, banyak orang merasa bosan dengan pekerjaan yang mereka kerjakan dan menganggap pekerjan yang mereka lakukan tidak sesuai bakat dan kemampuan. Meskipun, jika tidak di asah

Shin Se Kyung Talks About Successfully Depicting 2 Characters In “Black Knight”

In KBS 2TV’s “Black Knight,” Shin Se Kyung received much praise for exceptionally acting out her double role. The actress left viewers in awe after portraying the character of Sharon, Seo Ji Hye‘s character, inside the body of Shin Se Kyung’s role, Hae Ra.
The viewers had complimented, “I didn’t realize how great Shin Se Kyung was at acting,” “I thought there was CGI involved to overlap with Seo Ji Hye,” and also said, “I could see the details of both Hae Ra and Sharon. It was remarkable.”
In response, Shin Se Kyung talked about how she felt as she filmed the scene. The actress first thanked viewers for the compliments and said, “I’m thankful that [the viewers] found it entertaining.”
On acting the double role, Shin Se Kyung explained, “It was fun and interesting. It was one of the scenes that stood out to me as I first read the script. I had to act as Sharon pretending to be Hae Ra, so it needed to look slightly clumsy. It was a new experience for me because I had to act cute to portray Hae Ra, which is something I’m not used to doing.”

Shin Se Kyung also revealed what points she kept in mind as she depicted Sharon inside Hae Ra’s body. She explained, “In the scene where I looked in the mirror, I wanted to express the dreamy ambience that Seo Ji Hye created for Sharon.”
She continued, “Hae Ra has quite a bit of hand movement while she talks, but Sharon’s movement is slow. So I thought about the speed as I tried to convey the image of Sharon that the viewers were used to seeing. [The viewers] enjoyed it more than my expectation, so I was surprised and thankful.”
“Black Knight” airs every Wednesday and Thursday at 10 p.m. KST.

